Collaboration with Matea Radic (Illustration and Frame-by-frame animation)
Featured on Pop Matters:
"Royal Canoe first approached us with the idea of an animated lyric video with Matea illustrating and me designing the typography for the lyrics. They identified that it was written from a child’s perspective so we pitched back the idea of a children’s storybook theme with simple line drawings based on our interpretation of the lyrics and vibrant colours to sync with some of the branded elements from the album art... 
Even when I pulled your hair you let me ride your bicycle, 
Met you on a holiday and stole your little carousel...
...We started spitballing visual ideas line-by-line not knowing exactly how the process would go since this was our first collaboration, but we quickly developed a natural work flow and there ended up being a lot of overlap in our intended roles. Matea drew all of the frame-by-frame animation and I applied keyframe animation and integrated the type in After Effects. Some scenes we’re more pre-conceived than others with a lot of exploration and playing around on each side, followed by discussion to feel out what was fitting and flowing best with the varying feel of the story told through the track."

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